Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (818) 324-6319

  • Edith Matilda Moses, M.A., LMFT, ATR

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    My Mission

    My mission is to create a safe space for my patients, a space where they can express themselves verbally and nonverbally through art making. The art serves to reveal unconscious material that may otherwise remain unknown, and it helps deepen the therapeutic process. You do not need any artistic skills to participate in art therapy. My mission is to provide my full attention and expertise, so that my patients feel seen and heard, which I believe paves the path towards growth, self awareness, insight and healing.

    It takes strength to seek help....

    My Values


    I provide every measure to ensure my patients confidentiality. I maintain confidential records and notes, and will release information only when deemed necessary by law. I am a mandated reporter which requires me to break confidentiality only in cases of harm to self or others.

    Art & Psychology

    I am committed to the process of art & psychology and its intersectionality, which is Art Psychotherapy. I am honored to be able to use my creativity as a tool for the growth of others, in verbal and nonverbal ways.


    All individuals are welcome, I have experience working with many populations including Veterans, LGBTQIA, children, couples and families. I do not discriminate and always strive to understand my patients unique identification.

    Reach out today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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